Submit your project

At Micromansional we love sharing the best and hidden projects from around the world.
If you are working on an innovative project or have something special sitting in your draw, you can now submit it to be featured on our website.

The editorial team at Micromansional will carefully read and consider your submission for publishing it on this inspiring platform. Please remember to provide all your details, attach the relevant text description and images.
By submitting your entry, you confirm that you are the owner of all intellectual property rights or you have the authorization to make the submitted content public, and that Micromansional is authorized to publish that content. Do not forget to add the credits of the project, photos and other materials.

To propose a project fill out the form providing the following information:

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Category of project
Please upload your files and create a shareable link and paste it in the above box. You can use services like Dropbox, Google Drive, FTP, WeTransfer (without short expiry date) etc.
See our privacy policy to learn more about how we use data.
See our privacy policy to learn more about how we use data.
Subcribing at the Micromansional Newsletter, I agree with the privacy policy. We will do NOT sell your data.

  • We ask you to read and accept the terms and conditions regarding the submission of materials.

*What materials to upload, and how
The folder containing the uploaded materials should be labelled with the name of the studio and the title of the project (e.g. Jack Jones – House in the Trees). The folder should be organised with the following sub-folders: Photos, Drawings, Texts, Videos.

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